



Atiq Rehman, MD Adena's story is one of unwavering dedication and exceptional skill, a narrative stretching from Pakistan's historic landscapes to the innovative forefront of global healthcare. His journey began at Aga Khan University, where the foundations of his medical expertise were laid, setting the stage for a career defined by groundbreaking achievements in cardiac surgery and transcatheter therapies.

After completing his initial medical training, Dr. Atiq Rehman embarked on a path to delve into some of the most challenging and advanced areas of cardiac care. His relentless pursuit of excellence led him to specialize in traditional and cutting-edge surgical techniques, including robotic and minimally invasive cardiac surgery. This specialization demonstrates his technical prowess and his commitment to adopting practices that offer the best outcomes for his patients.

His academic accomplishments extend beyond the realm of medicine. Understanding the intricate relationship between healthcare delivery and management, he pursued an MBA from George Washington University. This added dimension of knowledge has enabled him to blend clinical expertise with strategic insight, which is invaluable in today's complex healthcare landscape.

In the operating room, Dr. Atiq Rehman's hands have been responsible for over 3,000 heart surgeries, a testament to his skill and dedication to patient care. His proficiency in minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgeries is not just a professional hallmark; it represents a shift towards more patient-centered, innovative surgical techniques. His work in this area has not only benefited patients directly but has also contributed significantly to the field of cardiac surgery.

Beyond his surgical achievements, he is a respected consultant for leading healthcare organizations. His insights and expertise have been pivotal in shaping strategies and practices in cardiac care, influencing patient treatment far beyond the confines of his surgical procedure. His academic contributions are equally impressive, with more than a hundred peer-reviewed publications to his name, underscoring his role as a thought leader in his field.

Despite his busy professional life, Dr. Rehman maintains a balance with personal interests, including soccer, reading, and hiking. These activities reflect his belief in the importance of a well-rounded life, where emotional well-being and professional responsibilities are in harmony.

His commitment to service extends to philanthropic efforts, notably in his responsive aid during the 2005 Kashmir earthquake. This act of compassion highlights his deep-seated belief in using his skills for the broader benefit of society.

Dr. Atiq Rehman's career combines surgical mastery, academic brilliance, and a deep commitment to improving lives. His journey from a student in Pakistan to a cardiac surgery and healthcare innovation leader is a compelling testament to the power of dedication, skill, and compassion in shaping a remarkable medical career.